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BITS: Handling BITS and BYTES in string and numeric arrays

Perform operations like set, flip, clear, copy, move, shift, rotate, translate, lows, highs, count bits in groups of rows, columns, boxes, and rings.

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Optional keywords:
(Syntax of optional keywords)
AND BOX Base BitCount BoxDim CLR CoPy EOR ERROR FLiP GetVal High0 High1 IFClr IFEq IFGt IFLOC IFLt IFNeq IFSet JumpBase LocGet Low0 Low1 MoVe OR ORIGin POOL RING ROTate RowsColsBits SHiFt SetBit SetVal X XLate Y
options type BITS(Base=String,...
Base= ... must be first keyword,
RowsColsBits must follow if used.
Base txt Base=String LEN(String) tokens, default 8 bit. Use RowsColsBits to change defaults.
num Base=Num Num is a 1 token numerical scalar, 64 bit max
Base=Array Array is a numeric vector or a matrix. Base is divided in LEN(Array) tokens, 64 bit max
RowsColsBits num B=Array, RCB=nBits,... nBits<64. This reduces the default 64 bit per token to nBits per token. nBits=52 is the maximum number of bits that can be used without loss of precision outside the BITS function (standard HicEst variables are 64 bit floating point numbers with a 11 bit exponent and 1 sign bit).
B=Array, RCB=n... Array with rows*columns tokens, only the lowest n bits of each token are used.
B=String, RCB=b,... a single token String with b addressable bits
  • BITS(B=txt, RCB=8*8000, SetBit=12345) ! sets bit 12345 of string txt to 1
B=String, RCB=(c,b)... String divided in c tokens, b bit each (b rounded up to multiple of 8)
B=String, RCB=(r,c,b)... String with r*c tokens (rows*columns), b bit each (b rounded up to multiple of 8)
options type code snippet
options to select parts of Base for following actions
X num ...X=columnNr... selects columnNr for all selected rows (String or Array). If no rows are selected: the following operations work on all rows
...X=(colA, colZ)... selects the range of columns colA to colZ of String or Array.
Y num ...Y=rowNr ... selects rowNr for all columns selected (String or Array). If no columnss are selected: the following operations work on all columns
...Y=(rowA, rowZ)... selects the range of rows rowA to rowZ of String or Array.
BoxDim num ...BD=(br,bc)... divides Base in equal size boxes of br rows * bc columns. Boxes are aligned left to right in RCB space and top to bottom. Boxes are not broken.
BOX num ..BOX=n... selects the n-th box of a box-grid defined by BoxDim=...
...BOX=(bA,bZ)... selects the range of boxes bA to bZ .
RING num ...RING=r... selects the r-nearest neighbors of token(r,c) instead of token(r,c) itself.
  • BITS(B=array, X=3, Y=3, RING=2, ...) ! selects the 16 ring=2 neighbors around array(3,3)
Ring 1 has 8 tokens, ring 2 has 16, ring 3 has 24 etc
JumpBase num ...JB=1000... start at linearPosition 1000 of base NumOrTxt
...jb=(2,3)... start at RowColPosition (2,3) of base NumOrTxt
ORIGin num ...orig = 0... set the index origin of row, col, bit, box, ring. Default is = 1.
options type b either scalar or range=(from,to)
Conditional execution: if TRUE execute NEXT option, ELSE skip next option
IFSet num ...IFS=b... execute next option only if current baseToken BIT b set
  • BITS(.. ifs=n, SetBit=6, ...) ! if BIT n is set then also set bit 6
IFClr num ...IFC=b... execute next option only if current baseToken BIT b not set
  • BITS(.. ifc=5, BitCount=x) ! if BIT 5 is 0 count token-Bits
IFLt num ...IFL=b... execute next option only if current baseToken VALUE is less than b
  • BITS(.. ifl=2, RING=1, SET) ! if token VALUE < 2 set ring1 bits
IFEq num ...IFE=b... execute next option only if current baseToken VALUE is equal to b
  • BITS(.. ife=2, BitCount=x) ! BIT-sum if VALUE == 2
IFNeq num ...IFN=b... execute next option only if current baseToken VALUE is not equal to b
  • BITS(.. ifn=(3,6), FlipBit) ! flip all BITs if token VALUE < 3 or > 6
IFGt num ...IFG=b... execute next option only if current baseToken VALUE is greater than b
  • BITS(.. ifg=91, ClrB) ! zero token if tokenvalue > 91
IFLOC num ...IFLOC=b... execute next option only if current baseToken LOCATION is equal to b
  • BITS(.. ifloc=(12,15), SetVal='?') ! mark tokens 12-15 by a '?'
options type code snippet
options to change selected tokens of Base
CLR num ...CLR=b ... clear bits b
  • BITS(Base=S2, SetVal='a', CLR=5) ! S2 is set to "AA"
...CLR=(a,z)... clear bits in range a to z to 0
...CLR... set tokens to 0 (clear all bits)
FLiP num ...FLP= n... flip bits n
  • BITS(Base=x, CLR, FLiP=6) ! x is set to 64
...FLP=(a,z)... flip bits in range a to z
...FLP... flip all bits
SetBit num ...SB=n ... set bits n to 1
  • BITS(Base=S2, SetVal='A', SetBit=5) ! S2 is set to "aa"
...SB=(a,z)... set bits in range a to z
...SB... set all bits in all selected tokens to 1
SetVal num ...SV=n... set selected token values to n
...SV='A'... set selected token values to 'A'
  • BITS(Base=S12, RCB=(4,3*8), SetVal="ABC") ! S12 is set to "ABCABCABCABC"
POOL num txt ...POOL=XY...
  • A data pool supplies in (cyclic) sequence values to a string or numeric base.
    • XY = (3,4,70, 2, 8, 39) ! numeric pool
    • BITS(Base=B, POOL=XY, X=XY, Y=XY, SetVal=XY)
    • ! result B(3,4)=70, B(2,8)=39
  • XY can be a string, or a numeric scalar, vector, or matrix.
  • If empty the pool is restarted. All calling tokens are supplied with a value
    • XY = " 13 15 17" ! string pool
    • BiTS(Base=C, POOL=XY, SetVal=XY, ...)
    • ! C(1)=13, C(2)=15, C(3)=17, C(4)=13, C(5)=15, C(6)=17, etc
  • A string pool with no separators is emptied byte by byte
    • XY = "3253"
    • BITS(Base=D, POOL=XY, SetBit=XY)
    • ! D(1)=8, D(2)=4, D(3)=32, D(4)=8)
AND num ...AND=n... bitwise AND: BaseValue = BaseValue AND n
  • BITS(Base=x, SetVal=1, AND=255) ! x is set to 1
EOR num ...EOR=n... bitwise exclusive EOR: BaseValue = BaseValue EOR n
  • BITS(Base=x, SetVal=1, EOR=255) ! x is set to 254
OR num ...OR=n... bitwise OR: BaseValue = BaseValue OR n
  • BITS(Base=x, SetVal=1, OR=255) ! x is set to 255
CoPy num ...CP=dX... copy tokens by linear displacement dx ! same as txt(3-1) = txt(3)
...CP=(dX,dY)... copy tokens by dX columns and dY rows.
  • BITS(B=txt, RCB=(8,8,8), Y=3, CoPy=(1,0) ! copy row 3 to row 3+1
MoVe num ...MV=dX... move tokens by dX columns.
  • BITS(B=txt, RCB=(8,8,8), X=3, MoVe=-1) ! move column 3 to column 3-1
...MV=(dX,dY)... move tokens by dX columns and dY rows.
  • BITS(B=txt, RCB=(8,8,8), X=3, Y=4, MoVe=(1,1)) ! move txt(3,4) to txt (4,5)
SHiFt num ...SHF=b... shift Base left (b>0) or right (b<0) bits
  • BITS(Base=x, SetVal=64, shift=-1) ! same as x = x/2
ROTate num ...ROT=b... rotate Base left (b>0) or right (b<0) bits
  • BITS(Base=x, rotate=n) ! circular shift of n rightmost bits
XLate txt ...XL="bin:txt, bin:txt"... translate binary characters to (readable) txt
  • BITS(B=S8, xlate='0:?,1:x,32:-')
  • ! S8= CHAR(1)&& CHAR(0) is translated to "x-0-----"
options type code snippet
options that will receive a value
GetVal num ...GV=x... x is to get the token value
  • BITS(Base="ABC", X=2, getval=x) ! same as x = ICHAR("B")
txt ...GV=txt... txt is to get the token value
  • BITS(B=string, RCB=(5,9,16), X=2, getval=txt) ! 5*2 byte string(1_5, 2) copied to txt]
  • BITS(B=string, RCB=(5,9,16), X=2,Y=2,RING=1, GV=txt) ! txt gets 2*8 bytes ring tokens around string(2,2)
BitCount num ...BC=x... x gets the total number of bits in base
  • BITS(Base='g', BitCount=x) ! 'g' == '01100111', x is set to 5
txt ...BC=txt... txt(i) gets bitcount of baseToken(i)
  • BITS(Base=string, BitCount=txt)
...RING=r, BC=txt... txt(i) gets sum of bitcounts of ring tokens around baseToken i
vector ...BC=vec... vector gets bitcount of baseToken i
...RING=r, BC=vec... vec(i) gets bitcount of ring token aroung baseToken i
matrix ...BOX=b, BC=mtx... mtx(b, element_j) gets the occurence count of element == j in box b
Low0 num ...L0= posLowZero... posLowZero is the lowest position of a 0 in base
  • BITS(Base='g', Low0=posLowZero) ! posLowZero is set to 3
High0 num ...H0=posHighZero... posHighZero is the highest position of a 1 in base
  • BITS(Base='g', High0=posHighZero) ! posHighZero set to 7
Low1 num ...L1=posLowOne... posLowOne is the lowest position of a 1 in base
  • BITS(Base='g', Low1=posLowOne) ! posLowOne set to 0
High1 num ...L1=posHighOne... posHighOne is the highest position of a 1 in base
  • BITS(Base='g', High1=posHighOne) ! posHighOne set to 6
LocGet num ...LG=TokenPos... TokenPos is the current token number in base
  • BITS(B='0123456789', LG=n, NxtIFSet=2, LG=vec) ! n set to 10, vec set to (5,6,7,8,0,0,..)
ERROR label ...ERR=999,... On error branch to the error label. Error messages are not shown)

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